
Business Context

As a digital designer at Petadesk, I was instrumental in the rebranding of the company, bringing in new clients, and maintaining business through design services. The rebrand included adding a Digital Design Studio department, as well keeping its current Software Solutions department. Along with the rebrand, the website needed to be recreated with its new brand identity, along with motion graphics to help advertise the business.


Brand Strategy Logo Design Brand Identity Brand Guidelines Stationary Motion Graphics Web Design


From the the insight that was gathered, it led the brand strategy to be built around the brand purpose of "A group of creative thinkers who want to help your business at any stage of its development", along with the vision to connect design, software and business together as one, to create a seamless process for B2B clients.

From the brand strategy, we built a brand identity system that reflected the core values being, connection, consistency, passion, creativity, and respect.

The mind map below is the key information gathered from the discovery session.

Logo & Brand Identity

The main aesthetic for the logo and brand was bold but minimalistic, with a bright red colour that would make the brand stand out, along with the core value "connection" being portrayed within the logo. This was created with the "P" and "D" letters connecting with one another, with a subtle link between the two letters and everything being symmetrical.

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Logo Concepts

During the logo process, there were a lot of amends and revisions needed to achieve the final logo. The main ideas that the client had in mind was the retro/modern style font, along with the Nsibidi themed emblem.

Colour Palette

From the mood board and brand strategy that was created, the colours for the brand represented the Nigerian culture, along with a nature/charcoal aesthetic to it, which would soon be implemented into the restaurants interior.

Brand Patterns

The brand patterns would be used on all channels, including social media, interior designs within the restaurant, on products as well as collateral in general.

Graphic Elements

The graphic elements were inspired by the retro style and would be mainly used for social media and video transitions, as well as certain areas within the restaurant.

Brand Mockups

The mockups are examples of how the elements from the brand identity can be applied to products, buildings and collateral.

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Logo Sketches

From the mind map that I created, I sketched a few designs on paper, putting out whatever came to mind. From this I replicated my top designs on Adobe Illustrator and moved on from there.

Logo Process

From the logo sketches, the process from the initial logo to final logo design took place. I experimented with shape, colour, layout and typography.

Colour Palette

From the discovery session, I knew the preferred colours would've been red, as the dominant colour, and navy blue as the secondary colour. I wanted the red to be quite bold and vibrant but at the same time not too vibrant to the point that it would not be aesthetically pleasing, as well as having a dark contrasting colour.

Brand Patterns

The brand patterns would be used on all channels, mainly collateral and social media.

Website Design

A 5 page responsive website was created using Webflow, with the aim to give potential clients a better understanding of the services provided by Petadesk, as well as a way of getting in touch.

View Website

Brand Mockups

The mockups are examples of how the elements from the brand identity can be applied to products and collateral.

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Logo and Brand Identity

From the discovery stage with the live client, the overall aesthetic of the brand aimed to give off a feeling of warmth, friendliness and being welcomed. This was due to the fact that the customers of the app would need to have an initial feeling of trust as this was one of the core values within the brand.

Logo Process

The logo process began with sketches on paper which was followed by designs on illustrator. There were many amends and changes involved but with the main idea being a minimal design that had the letter "P".

Colour Palette

The primary colour being turquoise represents calming, friendship, love, joy and loyalty. This is important as the brand personality is relaxing, friendly and calm. This represents the guests feeling relaxed when booking their villa through the app as they know there won’t be any issues or problems, resulting in loyalty from both the guests and the brand.

Final Logo

The logo process began with sketches on paper which was followed by designs on illustrator. There were many amends and changes involved but with the main idea being a minimal design that had the letter "P".

Mission Statement

The mission at Petadesk Property is to promote fairly through affordable and flexible vacation rental.

Vision Statement

Petadesk Property wants to provide a trusted and affordable accommodation for its customers who rent and want their accommodation managed by Petadesk Property, as honesty is their virtue and marketing is vital during the transaction process.

Brand Personality

The personality of Petadesk Property is relaxed, friendly and calm. This represents the guests feeling of being relaxed when booking their villa through the app as they know there won’t be any issues or problems.

Application Design & Prototype

During this stage, I designed and created a prototype of the app using Sketch and InVision. My aim was to design an app that was efficient and easy to use for customers who want to go on holiday and book a property to stay at. This was accomplished by creating wireframes, designing and doing multiple drafts of the app to reach a final app prototype, along with usability testing to get feedback on what things are good, bad and needed to be improved.

Site Map

After conducting my research on other holiday property apps such as Airbnb, I created a sitemap to help myself understand the main pages that would be included in the app and how the user would navigate throughout the app seamlessly.

Wireframe Sketches

From the sitemap, I created wireframes of the app which included some of the first few pages that the user would experience when going onto the app, giving me an idea of how the overall aesthetic would look.

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

A set of wireframes were created on Sketch for the first few pages to see how it would be laid out digitally.

First Draft

A first set of drafts were created. I liked the overall aesthetic and layout of the app but I felt that some brand identity was missing.

Second Draft

In this iteration of my application, I enhanced the brand identity throughout the app, making the colours and background designs more apparent to the user.

Final Design

The final prototype was done after I did my usability testing in my 2nd Draft to get feedback on the main pages from my wireframes. After getting the feedback I made the changes, as well as added a few other duplicate pages but with different information to enhance my prototype. There were a few design changes done to the final prototype but not as much as I thought there would be compared to my 2nd draft.

One of the main changes being done to being pages added after the splash screen to give a short description on each page of what the user will expect from the Petadesk Property app with the main purpose of the app. This would help the user get a quick sense of what the app provides before entering in case there is any uncertainty or confusion.

360 Marketing Campaign

As well as the app prototype, I created a 360 marketing campaign to get a better understanding of how the app could be promoted to the specified target audience if the app was to be published.

Target Audience Insight

As well as market research, I used Facebook Insights to give me a more specific audience for my campaign, both outdoor and on social media. From the Facebook audience insights, I have decided to focus my target audience on young adults of both genders, between the ages of 18-30 as most of the demographic are students and people who would office jobs, primarily in London.

As Petadesk Property is not a high end of luxury holiday lettings app, most properties would be affordable for their budget and salary. In addition, the imagery used on the campaign would be aimed towards friends as the majority of the users were single, meaning they would prefer to go on holiday with friends, especially as they’re also young adults.


Campaign Examples

Campaign Mockups

I made the final posters have a tinted box in the centre of the screen with white and dark turquoise text in front to keep everything consistent as it doesn’t matter what image is behind the box, the text will always be visible. I also made the main text bold and dark turquoise but highlighted the main words in white to make it stand out and give some contrast and dynamic in the poster, improving the overall readability of the text. With the messaging, I made sure to portray the message of what the users could do with the app and experience through Petadesk Property without being too direct.

I think this messaging works well for getting the main message across, along with a message at the bottom of each poster telling the viewer to “Book a property with us today”, with “Property” highlighted. In addition, I wanted to make the message quite bold and concise as many people in London on public transport are always on the move, making their attention span on adverts quite short, unless they are sitting on the train or waiting on the train.

The mockup images were photos that I took going from Uxbridge to central London, which I then edited using Photoshop.

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